natasha zajac

a Polish-American artist, who has seamlessly woven her cultural heritage, love for sci-fi fantasy, and fascination with space into a tapestry of captivating artwork using Procreate. Natasha’s artistic journey began at a young age, influenced by the rich storytelling traditions of her family surrounding her. Growing up in a household filled with tales of Polish folklore and history, Natasha developed a deep connection to her roots. Her family members, avid storytellers, fueled her imagination with legends of dragons, mythical creatures, and heroic knights from Polish mythology. These early influences laid the foundation for the fantastical elements that would later become prominent in her artwork. Alongside her fascination with space and the unknown she combines these two passions of hers. Natasha's portfolio reflects a dynamic interplay between her Polish heritage and her passion for the cosmic and fantastical. Her artwork can be found on her instagram @heavnelylalka !