a poem by claudia wysocky


Days without end and, to be honest, nights too,

Honeyed with answers—I find my answers in you.

You have cradled me as you would every other

Pair taking solace in a sleepless bedroom—

Unable to rest or be found at rest outside you.

I lift my eyes to the night. You I will see.

And soon I will see you walking with me back home.

Because you have become my home; my only one.

Knowing my mind may be in turmoil—you hold me firm,

And me, accustom to conquer the world, or die—

"I am not going to let you die." –As I say it—

Your eyes find me. I can see you swallow.

We shall live. We shall live.

If we stay here for long, we shall both grow old,

Showing a wisdom in the face of all things—

...Tonight I saw, in the dark and all undone,

Your face. One moment you were not there,

One moment I believed I heard you cry,

And yet, it was in another place and time

You saw it too. And wondered,

"Was I lying?... Did I dream?"

The grass was golden; the horizon and the sky—

Unlatched, new, bare planets—or worlds.

Claudia Wysocky, a Polish poet based in New York, is known for her ability to capture the beauty of life through rich descriptions in her writing. She firmly believes that art has the potential to inspire positive change. With over five years of experience in fiction writing, Claudia has had her poems published in local newspapers and magazines. For her, writing is an endless journey and a powerful source of motivation.